About us
A single place to find the support you need across the region.
What is Skills Connect?
Skills Connect is your one-stop website with information on all skills, training and career support available to help you thrive today and into the future.
As well as the resources available online, there are a team of friendly advisors on hand for you to contact.

About us
Across our region there are hundreds of support services for people and businesses.
No matter what age or stage of career, there are skills, training and career support options to help people enter work, upskill, progress or understand their options.
Skills Connect was developed by the West of England Combined Authority to bring all of this together in one simple and easy place.
It is one of the key projects to be introduced in the latest Employment and Skills Plan which sets out the strategic direction for skills, training and employment in the West of England.

Get in touch
If you'd like to speak to us for extra support or advertise your own services, use the relevant links below.
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